Gregorič demonstrated a perfect symbiosis between technical fascination and stylistic color - a dream, [...] A bell-clear tone, rich and direct in the bass and yet with a silky warmth - simply a pleasure. (Tim Hofmann, in "Freie Presse - Chemnitz")
Gregorič je predstavil popolno simbiozo med tehnično fascinacijo in stilistično barvo – sanje, ki so zaživele tudi pri njegovih lastnih skladbah […] Biserno jasen ton, bogat in neposreden v basu, pa vendar poln žametne topline – pravi užitek. (Tim Hofmann v “Free Press – Chemnitz”)
Gregorič presented a perfect symbiosis of technical fascination and stylistic color – a dream, [...] a bell-like sound, rich and direct in the bass and yet possessing a silky warmth – simply a delight. (Tim Hofmann, in “Free Press” Chemnitz)
Janez Gregorič, guitarist, composer and teacher, lives and works in Carinthia. As the author of the new guitar school "Alles CLARO" and as a lecturer at international seminars, he continues the didactic path of his teacher Abel Carlevaro as a successful teacher. As a guitarist and composer, he can point to numerous CD recordings. [more]
Janez Gregorič, kitarist, sladatelj in pedagog, živi in dela na Koroškem. This new version of the kitaro »Everything CLARO« in the predavatelj pri mednarodnih seminarjih uspešno nadaljuje didaktično pot svojega učitelja Abela Carlevara. Kot kitarist in skladatelj je posnel številne zgoščenke. [več]
Janez Gregorič, guitarist, composer and teacher, works and lives in Carinthia and as author of the new guitar school “Alles CLARO” and a successful teacher, he continues the didactic path of his teacher Abel Carlevaro. Since 1998 he has regularly given lectures at international seminars. He has made a number of CDs as guitarist and composer. [more]
NEW| new
CD: FESTIVO | mv70 vol.1
The CD Festivo is dedicated to the Microestudios by Abel Carlevaro (Uruguay) and the Estudios sencillos by Leo Brouwer (Cuba), which were written at the end of the 20th century and are among the most important guitar compositions with didactic content. My short pieces of music, entitled 10 Free Plays, are preliminary studies for Leo Brouwer's first 10 etudes and are intended as my very personal contribution to bringing the recording into the 21st century.
JanezKitarist (YouTube appearances)
From his hometown of Kleindorf/Mala vas, Globasnitz/Globasnica, Janez Gregorič spreads his guitar sounds all over the world. New videos recorded in 2020 at concerts and in the Klagenfurt Concert Hall are released every week - a new kind of project, adapted to the current situation of everyday artistic life.