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Sara Gregorič received her first guitar lessons from her father at the age of four and was a student at the "Glasbena šola na Koroškem / Carinthian Music School" until she enrolled at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. There she laid the foundation for her impressive career, which later led her to a Bachelor's and Master's degree in instrumental pedagogy in the guitar subject under Professors Ahmed Baluch and Gunter Schneider - both with distinction.
Parallel to her work as a guitar teacher, she completed the part-time master's degree in "Music Education - Music in Context" at the Anton Bruckner Private University, which she also completed with distinction. Since 2023, Sara has been part of the management team of the Tonspiele music education department of the Tonkünstler Orchestra of Lower Austria. In this role, she sees music education as an indispensable part of the contemporary music scene and is active as a freelance music educator in a wide variety of areas.
Sara Gregorič has been playing a Kreul-Carlevaro guitar with a double bottom and diverging string lengths since 2016. Her artistic enthusiasm lies in concert activities in various chamber music formations, especially with her sister and jazz violinist Mira as “Duo Sonoma”.
Sara Gregorič is not only the musical director of the event "Trivium | Tri poti | Drei Wege", but is also heavily involved in the Sonus chamber music week as a lecturer and organizer. As co-founder of the highly acclaimed "Sonus Outreach" series, she is actively committed to promoting art and culture in Carinthia. Her commitment also extends to leading workshops in the cross-school area and conceptual involvement in various interdisciplinary and interactive events.
Sara Gregorič spielt seit 2016 eine Kreul-Carlevaro Gitarre mit doppeltem Boden und divergierenden Saitenlängen. ihre künstlerische Begeisterung gilt der Konzerttätigkeiten in unterschiedlichen Kammermusikformationen insbesondere mit ihrer Schwester und Jazzgeigerin Mira als „Duo Sonoma“.
Sara Gregorič übernimmt nicht nur die musikalische Leitung der Veranstaltung "Trivium | Tri poti | Drei Wege", sondern ist auch als Dozentin und Organisatorin maßgeblich an der Kammermusikwoche Sonus beteiligt. Als Mitbegründerin der vielbeachteten Reihe "Sonus Outreach" setzt sie sich aktiv für die Förderung von Kunst und Kultur in Kärnten ein. Ihr Engagement erstreckt sich zudem auf die Leitung von Workshops im schulübergreifenden Bereich und die konzeptionelle Mitwirkung bei verschiedenen interdisziplinären und interaktiven Veranstaltungen.